Friday, July 25, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
My Diabetic Story
My story begins in January of 2007. I had set a New Years goal to weigh 190 pound. I had studied many topics around the Law of Attraction. I had my morning affirmations that I would weigh 190. I did this every day and tried to eat healthier.
My first signs began in June of 2007. I was having problems with my eye sight and problems with heartburn and stomach related problems. I ignored the signs and continued believing that I weighed 190 pounds. I then started dropping pound very rapidly. I was at one point losing 2 pounds a day. My first thought was great the Law of Attraction is working. When I hit 220 pounds I was getting very sick so I began eating more to try and help. I still continued to lose more. I began to seek medical attention at this point.
I was diagnosed with diabetes in September of 2007. Prior to January I weighed 265 pounds. I did not exercise or eat a very good diet. I worked a stressful job and ate on the run most of the time. I had lived this life style for many years. When I went into the doctor they started questioning if my family had diabetes. I had no one on my side with diabetes. They did a quick blood test and my life began to change.
My blood test maxed out there meter at 500. My A1c was determined to be 11.7. The acceptable number should be below 7. I was immediately put on three different medication. Benicar for my blood pressure, Janumet and Actos for the diabetes. I was put on a fairly high dose.
In the first of December I had my second blood test. My A1c was at 8.9 and my blood pressure was getting better. I had been reading books on different diets. I had been working with a diabetic nutritionist and exercising every day. I had done everything the doctor asked and worked at getting my numbers in line the best I could. I was discouraged by these results.
I began searching for alternative products that would help get my numbers in line when I began studying the benefits of antioxidants and omega 3. My wife’s cousin introduced us to a network marketing company called Kyani. I hate network marketing and never wanted to get involved. But when I started studying the products they had I was amazed to find that Kyani had exactly what I was looking for.
Kyani Sunrise is a powerful antioxidant made from wild Alaskan blueberries. This product is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. I quickly placed an order and began taking one ounce a day.
Kyani Sunset is a omega 3 made from Alaskan salmon with a powerful vitamin E. I also included this in my new diet. This product helps with the high blood pressure, high triglycerides and better circulation.
In my studies I found that I still was lacking some of the important vitamins and minerals a diabetic needs. I found a product manufactured by Nature Made called Diabetic Health Pack. I also included this in my regiment of products.
I continue to eat healthy, exercise and take my new vitamins and Kyani। I had my last blood test in April and wow what great results. My A1c was at 4.7 and my blood pressure is perfect. I don’t contribute this success to any one of these products or life style changes. I contribute this to the combination of all.
Contact me at
For more information on Kyani click here